This new experience with the
feed aggregator Bloglines is very useful. Last week I discovered what feed aggregators are. I assure you that Bloglines made my life easier for different reasons:
1. It is a
time-saving solution. If I have to check my peers’ blogs I don’t waste my time by writing their blog addresses each time. I can go to each others’ blog using our feed aggregator.
2. It is useful because you receive the
last things posted in the blogs you subscribed. Then if you want you can go to their blogs by clicking on the name of the blogs.
3. Playlists are interesting because you can organise the blogs or sites you subscribed into groups and you can see the last time they had been updated.
4. I subscribed to my
favourite web-sites and now I can read the last news in an easier way. When things are quite simple I'm
highly motivated in using computers and technology.
I appreciate this course a lot because what we are learning is not exclusively thought to pass our exam and improve our knowledge of English. Certainly I’m going to use my blog and Bloglines after this course. It’s fantastic!
5 commenti:
Hi Serena,
I totally agree with you about the utility of feeds and feeds aggregators. Also for me they had been a wonderful discover, because now I can organize my time to do homework in a better way, avoiding spending time travelling around the blogsphere without a specific purpose.
I appreciate this English course as well because thinks that we are learning will be useful not only to pass our exam but also for a future job, or simple to come in contact and maintain relations with people throughout the web and the blogsphere too.
See you in the lab you another excited experience!!!!
Hi Serena!
I agree with you…your considerations about Bloglines are very clear and well organised and the picture is really nice too! As Alessandra noticed you point out an important aspect: what we are learning is not exclusively thought to pass our English exam but it can be very useful also after this course, you are absolutely right!
See you!
Hi, Serena!
I'm not the first person who says that,but...I agree with you!
Thanks to Bloglines we can save time and it's the proof that technology isn't so monstrous...
I like this course too, because we're really learning something useful. Writing posts and comments every week is maybe a bit demanding, but I strongly believe it's worthwhile!
See you on Wednesday!
Hi Serena,
you seem to be enthusiastic about aggregators and technology! I think that learning how to use tools such as aggregators, blogs etc.. will be very useful, too.
And enjoying while you're learning something it's the best thing at all, isn't it?
see you next week
Hi Serena!
I like your post layout!!:-)
You are right when you speak about the utility of bloglines!
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