YouTube is a video sharing tool among the web 2.0 tools we’re experiencing during our English course. YouTube is known and used all over the world. The problem is how people use it. On this web site you can find every kind of videos. Some are really clever like the one we watched about iRack. Others are funny like the one about languages interpreter. But you have to pay attention because there are some others which are stupid or vulgar. Current events showed us how young students put stupid or offensive videos on YouTube. So I want to repeat that the important thing is how you use this tool and what are you looking for.
I like to show you this funny video which is strictly connected with stereotypes. The title is ‘French learning English’ and it’s performed by a well known actor.
I like to show you this funny video which is strictly connected with stereotypes. The title is ‘French learning English’ and it’s performed by a well known actor.
I’m doubtful about the use of YouTube for my English language learning. I looked for something connected with ESL/EFL learning. I found videos of English lessons that cannot be really useful for us. The only interesting thing I found is a video which explains how to write an essay.
Even if I don’t think YouTube can be of real interest for our language learning, I admit that it’s a great tool that can be used for other purposes. You could say what you want through a video without censorship. Certainly you have to keep in mind a certain ethics and a sense of respect for other people. From this point of view YouTube seems to me a very democratic tool.
Even if I don’t think YouTube can be of real interest for our language learning, I admit that it’s a great tool that can be used for other purposes. You could say what you want through a video without censorship. Certainly you have to keep in mind a certain ethics and a sense of respect for other people. From this point of view YouTube seems to me a very democratic tool.
3 commenti:
Hi Serena! First of all I want to tell you that your videos are very nice! The videos related to Borsellino and Falcone make us reflect on how and if the world is changing... I saw the TV series and it was quite shocking... As Claudia said the real weapon against mafia and against all the other problems of our society is true information!
You are right when you say that we must be careful and critical on the Net:we can find something which is worth reading and other things more superficial or counterproductive. I don't know if besides TeacherTube there are other specific sections that focus on learning but I think that every video in English, created by native speakers, every English song or comedy shows, films can be helpful for our English improvements!
C u!
Hi Serena, I've already told you how I appreciate your videos, now something about your post...
I'm doubtful too about using YouTube as a tool for our English learning, but probably going on we can find a more practical use of it!
Nothing to say about being careful to discern what we find on the Web, I totally agree!
See you in class!
Hi Serena...
It was very interesting to watch your videos about the Mafia and also read your opinion in the blog. You have done a very good job, because you have posted the various different aspects of what YouTube can be used to. You are very critic about the real useful of this tool in our English course, but I think that YouTube is one of the innumerable ways to listen native English speakers to speak. You are right when you wrote that most of the videos are stupid and vulgar, but in our country we have very few opportunities to listen to someone who speak "good English", with the right intonation and rhythm, so you should be more positive towards this tool. Maybe in the future you will change you mind.
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