This course is completely new for me. I’ve never used a blog before. I’ve just read a couple of them in the Net but really never sent a comment or even better created my own blog. I was a little scared of this new thing because I’m still not very confident with computers and technology in general. But after two weeks I’m satisfied with the use of a blog in our course. The first week I was getting into a panic because all seemed to me very difficult, but it was merely a question of time. One hour was not enough to do the e-tivity or simply to understand how to do it. Now with two hour time things seems easier. I can enjoy my lesson.
A blog is a very useful tool in order to improve my writing skills. It is a good method because I have the possibility to concentrate on what I write and at the same time to read how other people write. In this way I can find and correct some of my mistakes or other people’s mistakes. I can learn some new expressions and compare my work with others. It is a sort of self- evaluation after which you set yourself new goals. A blog can help you to improve your reading skills as well. As I said before, you can learn a lot of new things from other people and you take only the positive and useful things they teach you. Another advantage of using a blog is the fact that you communicate with other people, it is not merely an exercise of reading and finding mistakes in other people’s works. It’s more like an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Sometimes it is difficult to express yourself, but don’t be afraid.
3 commenti:
Hi Serena!
I read your post and I think that we share the same feelings about blogging…at first, I was afraid too because I am not very confident with new technologies and, because of my inability, I often spend a lot of time to do the assignments. Nevertheless, I think that practice will be useful to improve our skills…
However, I don’t agree with you when you write that we are able to take only the correct things from each others. In my opinion, we are generally able to find out other people’s mistakes but there are more insidious kinds of mistakes that we simply don’t notice because they are due to interference with our mother-tongue…in other words, there’s the possibility to “absorb” some mistakes we are unaware of. Anyway, advantages are undoubtedly more than the disadvantages so I’m really excited about this experience!
P.S.: I liked the layout of your post but maybe next time you could use another colour instead of light blue…I think that it is too sparkling for my tired eyes…anyway it’s just a suggestion…don’t get angry!
I hope you will visit my blog soon …I’am looking forward to your suggestions!
Bye bye
Hi Serena!
I liked the changes you made in your blog and I also like the picture ypu posted!
Good job!
I hope to see you soon!
I like the layout you chose and light blue is so relaxing...it reminds me the color of a mug in which I drink milk at breakfast...I love milk and I love breakfast, so I love your blog; that's faultless!
I agree with you; reading the others' blogs, we can improve our own skills and help one another in order to avoid some mistakes. In addition, this activity, as you said, lets us to share thoughts and impressions...it is fantastic!
However, there is also the other side of the coin; if we are not perfectly sure about something, we may risk to appropriate the others' mistakes.
And then...the title of your blog..."Thoughts and flowers"...very nice, really... :)
See you!
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