Hello everybody and welcome to my blog! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm Serena Santi and here there are some thoughts that could help you to know more about my personality. Enjoy reading it and please remember to write a comment suggesting me whatever you want.
I chose the picture above because it’s so poetic, isn’t it? It represents a landscape with no human presence. I love peaceful and natural places like this. It’s the perfect place I could ever imagine to have a rest after a full day of study, lessons, train delays etc. This image and my home, they both make me feel the same sensation of calm. After a stressful day I need some time for myself, just to recover my strength after a busy day. During the day I’m an hyperactive person, I have a lot of interests, I attend lessons, I have a job, I meet friends at the university, but when I come back in the evening I feel a comforting sensation. This picture shows another aspect of my character. I’m not afraid of loneliness. I think people are always in a hurry and they aren’t able to appreciate the moments they spend alone or to contemplate a landscape like that. I’m convinced that spending time alone can help each of us to be more aware of ourselves.
This web site is absolutely the site I use most frequently. All I need to found is there. It gives me always an answer. This is so reassuring. Of course you have to pay attention to the web sites that google suggests you but what I prefer is the fact that all depends on you, on what you choose. I like to compare this web site to a springboard from which you can dive into a sea of possible choices and new information.
I think it’s very important to know how things are going on in the world every day and so I love to read news on the bbc web site. It’s very well organised and its layout is very engaging. It’s also a useful tool that helps me to improve my reading and my listening.
1 commento:
Hi Serena,
As I already to Alberto our blog contain more or less the same activities so it's difficult comment it. But about the structure I think that your blog is very pretty, clear and simple too. Well-done adding your personal photo, because it make the blog more confidential and personal too (I just added a photo to my blog too).
Also the colour of the background is nice...
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